The North Fork Grizzly Century is Back
The Fresno Cycling Club along with the community of North Fork and the Sierra Vista Scenic Byway Association are partnering to bring back the 24th Grizzly Century ride. This ride is the major fund raiser for the North Fork Community and the Sierra Vista National Scenic Byway. Come and spend the day taking in scenic vistas from the unique vantage point that only a cyclist can claim. "Profits" earned go toward promotion and improvement of the Scenic Byway, to town restoration, and other projects that benefit our mountain community.
Route Descriptions
The Griz, Byway Centuries and Metric Centuries can start at 0700 am but no later than 09:00 am. Loop the lake start time is 10 am.
- THE GRIZ (100 miles) Over 10,000 foot elevation gain. Pass Mile High Vista, Jackass Rock, Arch Rock, the red fir forests of Cold Springs Summit, speedily descend to Bass Lake and back to North Fork.
- THE BYWAY GRINDER (about 100 miles) A new addition to the Griz. 19 miles of new route, with a 8 mile grinder section of road beyond the Arch Rock turnoff. The road is half paved and half a combination of gravel, oil, native surface, etc. Bypasses the Grizzly Road
- THE METRIC CENTURY (100K = 63 miles) A 6,587 foot elevation gain. North Fork to Mile High Vista and back. Tremendous views of conifer forests, rock formations, and the high Sierra.
- LOOP THE LAKE (24 miles) A 1,836 foot elevation gain around Bass lake, the Pines Resort. Beautiful pines and quiet roads. Then return to the staging area along county highway 274. Loop the Lake starts at 10 am, riders can leave earlier but after ride meal doesn't start serving until noon.
Prices include:
- Pancake breakfast provided by the North Fork Lion's Club starting at 6 am
- Lunch stop at Mile High Vista
- Post-ride BBQ dinner, riders must check in at Kennedy Hall to get meal ticket after they finish their ride.
- Rest stops and SAG support
- T-Shirt for those who register by 9/23/18
Early registration - on or before 5/31/2018
- $75 for 100 Mile, Gravel Grinder, and 100K
- $50 for Loop the Lake
On or after 6/1/2018
- $85 for 100 Mile, Gravel Grinder, and 100K
- $50 for Loop the Lake
On or after 9/1/2018
- $105 for 100 Mile and Gravel Grinder
- $85 for 100K
- $50 for Loop the Lake
Order your jersey here:
The Griz takes place rain or shine!
Course closes at 5:30 P.M. For everyone's safety, please observe this time. Our SAGs will assist you in getting back to the staging area. Your cooperation is appreciated. Showers are available.
CHECKIN/PACKET PICKUP: Will be available on Friday Oct 5th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm and Saturday Oct 6th from 6:15 am at Kennedy Hall, North Fork Elementary.